Culture Club
Photos and Review by Jennie Book
In a fusion of ’80s nostalgia and musical prowess, Boy George & Culture Club finished their “The Letting It Go Show Tour” at the Concord Pavillion in Concord, California on August 20, 2023. Teaming up with fellow chart-topping new wave stars Berlin and Howard Jones as openers, the tour was a showcase of talent and chart topping hits.
Boy George, the consummate showman, took center stage with a contagious smile as he steered the set through an evening of both established tracks and new songs. Throughout the night George reveled in the audience’s adulation, and took the time for some audience interaction, making contact with an adoring Boy George-lookalike fan in the front row for what had to have been a special moment in his life.
The band came out of the gate with “Next Thing Will Be Amazing,” and new material followed, including “Melodrama” and “Hold Back the Feeling” from their upcoming album. Towards the middle of the set, “Let It Go,” after which the tour is aptly named, spotlighted the bass work of Mikey Craig, underscoring its meaningful narrative.
But the hits were never forgotten, with Boy George segueing into classics like “It’s a Miracle” and “I’ll Tumble 4 Ya,” drawing from “Colour by Numbers” (1983) and “Kissing to Be Clever” (1982). One of the evening’s zeniths materialized in a medley melding “Church of the Poison Mind” and Wham!’s “I’m Your Man,” with backup vocalist Roxy Yarnold soaring alongside Boy George in a Motown-inspired duet.
Roy Hay’s dynamism at guitar and keyboard was a tour de force, underpinning timeless hits like “Do You Really Want to Hurt Me.” The evening ended with Terri Nunn and Howard Jones joining Culture Club onstage to perform “Karma Chameleon” – a unique highlight for fans of all three bands.
Opening the night was Berlin, led by the indomitable Terri Nunn, who kicked off a set of beloved hits. The pulse of “Masquerade” and the allure of “The Metro” wove seamlessly together as fans quickly warmed up. With explosive energy, Berlin’s founder John Crawford and guitarist David Diamond rekindled their musical magic, backed by Terri’s radiant presence. Berlin’s set culminated in a spirited rendition of The Cult’s “She Sells Sanctuary,” and then the final chord struck with “Sex (I’m a…),” a track that still feels a tiny bit scandalous even forty years after Terri first belted it.
Howard Jones, who radiated positivity as he alternated between walking the stage and playing keys, hit the stage after Berlin. From “Like to Get to Know You Well” to the iconic “Things Can Only Get Better,” Jones held the crowd in his sweet sonic embrace. Robbie Bronnimann’s synths added electronic brilliance to the performance, and the whole band was cohesive and having a good time on stage on this last night of the tour.
The Letting It Go Show Tour took its joy across the US and has now ended, but great memories and photos and video will linger on. For the latest news on Culture Club visit www.boygeorgeandcultureclub.net.